
Du même auteur

Shanties: 60 Songs of the Sea | Botany Bay Boys

Shanties: 60 Songs of the Sea

Musique audio | Botany Bay Boys | MusicMe | 2017

60 piste(s)

My Wild Irish Rose | John Kelly

My Wild Irish Rose

Musique audio | John Kelly | MusicMe | 2017

26 piste(s)

Hoffnung Music Festivals 1956, 1958 & 1961 | T.e. Bean

Hoffnung Music Festivals 1956, 1958 & 1961

Musique audio | T.e. Bean | MusicMe | 2005

46 piste(s)

Italian Treasury: Emilia-Romagna - The Alan Lomax Collection | Unknown Artist

Italian Treasury: Emilia-Romagna - The Alan L...

Musique audio | Unknown Artist | MusicMe | 2001

31 piste(s)

Caribbean Voyage: Trinidad, "Carnival Roots" - The Alan Lomax Collection | Jean Eustache Stoute

Caribbean Voyage: Trinidad, "Carnival Roots" ...

Musique audio | Jean Eustache Stoute | MusicMe | 2000

26 piste(s)

Italian Treasury: Liguria, "Baiardo And Imperia" - The Alan Lomax Collection | Unknown Artist

Italian Treasury: Liguria, "Baiardo And Imper...

Musique audio | Unknown Artist | MusicMe | 2002

19 piste(s)

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